We have offered each candidate in our region - in both South Northamptonshire District Council and Northampton Borough Council - the chance to write 150-200 words saying why they should be elected
Unfortunately we have not received a reply Green Party candidate for Grange Park, James Fearnley standing in South Northamptonshire District Council.
In the interests of fairness, the below is taken from the Green Party website in Northamptonshire.
Name: James Fearnley
Party: Green Party
Ward: Grange Park
The Green Party is not just about the environment. We see that policies in many areas are inter-linked and have an effect on each other. Over the years, we have developed a set of policies to cover many areas. At a local level we have developed a 10 Point Plan for Northants to summarise our ideas:
Protect Public Services
We are opposed to all the cuts proposed by the present government. These cuts threaten our schools, universities, the NHS and other public services, and they are not necessary. Regulating the financial sector must come before cuts.
Create more green jobs in Northamptonshire
We support the Green New Deal, which means investing in jobs that promote energy saving. We could make Northants a leader in this field.
Promote the Local Economy
Supermarkets and chain stores are killing our high streets, suppliers, and the local economy.
Support public transport, cycling and walking
Public transport needs to be cheap, regular, direct and easy to use. Our key proposal is a new transport hub in the centre of Northampton to replace the current bus station.
Save our Green spaces
Green spaces and allotments are an important resource for all communities but are often neglected or being sold off for short-term gain. We can increase housing stock, by redeveloping our unused buildings, houses, and brown field sites.
A good local state school for every child
All young people have the right to receive a high standard of education at their local school.
Support local community health centres and services
We want accessible local community health centres that provide a range of services. We want support for older people and their carers in the community. And we want a stronger, not a privatised, NHS.
Make recycling and reusing of resources as easy as possible
Our local councils need a campaign that reduces our production of waste products and encourages people to come up with their own locally based plans for reducing wasted.
Save energy
We would like to see borough and parish councils in Northamptonshire begin to generate some of their own power.
Let’s work towards building strong safe and democratic communities
We believe you have the right to feel safe wherever you live in Northants and if you feel safer you will also feel happier and prouder of the area you live in. A strong community is a safe community.
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