Monday, 2 May 2011

ELECTION SPOTLIGHT: Liberal Democrat candidates

In the weeks and days leading up to the May 5 election The Hunsbury Herald will be focusing on the candidates hoping to serve their respective councils in our area.
We have offered each candidate in our region - in both
South Northamptonshire District Council and Northampton Borough Council - the chance to write 150-200 words saying why they should be elected.

Unfortunately we have not received a reply from five of the Liberal Democrat candidates standing for seats in the Northampton Borough Council regions covered by The Hunsbury Herald. These candidates are Martin Price, standing in East Hunsbury; John Crake and Cerri Glynane, standing in Nene Valley; and Richard Mathews and Scott Collins, standing in Upton.
In the interests of fairness, the below is taken from the Lib Dem manifesto for the borough council elections.
Should any of the candidates wish to submit a profile before the elections on May 5 this will be added to the website.

Liberal Democrat candidates

The balanced budget this year which includes £5 million of savings without cutting local services and significant new investments to improve services, attracting private sector investment and reducing the council’s carbon footprint
Four years ago, faced with one of the poorest local authorities in the country, Northampton’s voters turned to the Liberal Democrats to pull the Guildhall from the brink of government intervention and put the pride back in our town.
Today, the borough council is in good financial shape, local services are improving and the council is punching its weight nationally to secure a fairer deal for the town's taxpayers.
This is clearly shown by:
  • Increasing our support to the Voluntary Sector while other councils are cutting support
  • Investment in town centre regeneration
  • Investment in our council houses attracting £49 million of Government support
The town is now at a crossroads, making the result of this year's borough elections critical. The town has a clear choice: continue the very real improvements made by hard-working Liberal Democrat Councillors since 2007 or return to the chaos of the previous Conservative administration, led by the same Conservative Councillors that failed us last time.

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